
Showing posts from May, 2019


To my dear adventurers: How are you these days? I am a little sad as I am  writing  my last post for you guys. I know I am so used to posting and writing about teaching and technology but all good things must come to an end 😓.  💭When I first started this journey with technology I was hesitant as it was my first time taking such a course that helps me lo learn how to teach by using technology. I thought it was going to be troublesome and boring but lord I was wrong! Before even knowing that such a course exists, I was prone to teach something by lecturing maybe using some games and role plays. But, I was not aware that the future of us is going to be born in technology and I  need to arrange my teaching styles according to their needs. 💭During the course, I felt the change in my usage of technology. Each week I was learning something new, beneficial that I can use in my future days. I am no longer a regular teacher that every school has who makes students feel negative fee


Hi guys! After a little break, I am back with another tool to show you today! As we all love to read blogs and share posts it is sometimes difficult for us to check every single blog we follow every day. Even sometimes we see a shared post after a loooong time.😕The good thing is we live in a technological era and there is always an easy way to do things and the solution to this problem is RSS Feed. 💬What is an RSS?  RSS (Rich Site Summary) is  a format for delivering regularly changing web content . Many news-related sites, weblogs, and other online publishers syndicate their content as an  RSS Feed  to whoever wants it. For more information click here. 💬 You can use your RSS program both in your computers and mobile phones. As my computer is broken I want to show an RSS application for mobile phones.  💭Here as you can see, I downloaded the application from google play store. If you youse an iPhone I think you can find its version of ios as well. The name of the appl


Hello, my beautiful adventurers! After some time I am back with a new topic which is INFOGRAPHICS. 💭For the ones who don't know what is an Infographic, I want to give some information first .   An infographic is a collection of imagery, charts, and minimal text that gives an easy-to-understand overview of a topic. For more information click here. Here is an example of it from It is a unique tool as it uses brief information with beautiful images and colorful styles. I think it can be used perfectly with young learners as well as adults. 💣About my task for today This week's task is to create an infographic about our favorite web 2.0 tools. I freely chose my website for making infographic and it is called Piktochart.   What is beautiful about this website it there are so many schemes and styles for you to create an infographic and it is really easy to use. Now... I want to talk about my topic of web 2.0 tools. These tools are intern


  Hello dear adventurers!👐 This week I am back with my second task and you are going to love the idea. Today I want to talk about online poster making. Unfortunately in the earlier years making a poster was a struggle. but... Now with the developed technology, it takes less than an hour to create a poster! 💫   After finding an online poster making site which is not only limited to that ( you even create your own logo on that website!), I personalized it with my topic. My topic is creating a magazine cover on a specific area. I choose art as a lover of all kinds of art! The website is called canva . This site has so many options and such good themes. After choosing my topic and target audience I wrote subtopics for my fictional magazine. It was so fun that I can do it every day!    💭I think we as language teachers can apply this task on our lessons efficiently if we put some depth in it. Creating a poster on its own is so fun and creative but making our students use th


   Hi guys! 👋 How are you? I and my bestie Gülşah have been working on our new project for our blogs. You can find her blog here by clicking. Our project for today is  digital storytelling ! 👭  Friends are our second family. They are the colors of our lives. We should be thankful as we have them around us! That's why we did a story about friendship. We took some inspiration from one of my favorite series '' How I Met Your Mother''. 💓We talked about how we met and what friendship means also what does it requires in our story. To create our digital story we draw some characters of ours and settings. We wrote a script for our story and recorded our voices.👯 Finding free and online video editing site was a little struggle for us but finally, we found an application called InShot. This application made our process so much easier. If you want to do some editing you can download the app by clicking here.  We recorded a video and posted it on Youtube. It can be